Сколько людей живет в Риге

Население Рига

На 2022 год численность населения города Рига, Латвия — составляет 638 794 человек. Рига занимает 1 место по численности населения в Латвии из 76 городов. Рига — столица Латвии. Chislennost.com использовал информацию из проверенных источников. Узнать численность страны, города, района на Chislennost.com.

Население Рига

638 794 человек Флаг Латвии Данные на Сентябрь 2022

Cайт chislennost.com использует информацию из официальных источников и обновляется каждый месяц. Некоторые данные могут отличаться из-за отсутствия последней переписи населения.


Население Риги на 2022

Численность населения Риги на 2020 год составляет — 742,572 чел. (это 39.37% от общего населения страны). На сравнительных графиках показаны города Латвии, а также города из других стран, которые по численности населения соответствуют Риге.

Сколько Людей Может Жить на Земле

Рига находится на #1 месте по численности населения в Латвии. Для справки, подробная информация про население Латвии.

Список крупных городов, где проживает примерно столько же жителей, сколько и в Риге: Питермарицбург, Ломе, Трухильо, Сьюдад-Гуаяна, Кигали, Амстердам, Франкфурт, Квебек, Кампу-Гранди, Ашхабад.


Riga Population 2022

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Riga is Latvia’s capital city. In addition to being the capital, it is also the largest city by population, with over one-third of the country’s population living within the city.

Population Size of Riga

It is also the most populous across all of the Baltic states, boasting a population of 641,423 per 2017 data.

City Size and Population Density

The city has an overall area of 125 square miles (324 kilometers squared), with a population density of 5,100 people per square mile (2,000/km2). In addition to having a large population, Riga is also a popular tourist destination, with 2.3 million visitors coming to the city in 2016. The metro area, known as the Riga Planning Region, has a population that exceeds 1 million as of 2017.

Demographics of Riga Population

Over 44% of Riga residents are native to Latvia. Latvians made up 44.03% of the population of Riga, while ethnic Russians formed 37.88%, Belarusians 3.72%, Ukrainians 3.66%, Poles 1.83% and other ethnicities 8.10%. There is also a high percentage of Russian residents, making up over 37% of the population. Other ethnicities include Ukrainians, Poles and Belarusians. The high rate of Russians living in Riga is expected to decline in the years to come as emigration continues.

History Notes

Latvia, with Riga as its capital city, declared its independence on 18 November 1918 after the Armistice forced a previous treaty to be renounced. Latvia was occupied by the Soviet Union in June 1940 and then was occupied by Nazi Germany in 1941–1944. The Rumbula massacre occurred near this time as well, very close to Riga.

Прогулка по Риге Подворотни Риги Парадные Риги

Population Growth in Riga

Despite having the highest population in the country, it has actually declined from numbers posted in the 1990s. During that time, the population exceeded 900,000 but has dropped in recent years due to low birth rates and emigration. In fact, the city has been predicted to see its population cut in half by the year 2050 due to continued emigration and low birth rates.

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